Power corrections for N-jettiness subtractions at Oαs
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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Power corrections for N-jettiness subtractions at Oαs


Abstract : We continue the study of power corrections for N -jettiness subtractions by analytically computing the complete next-to-leading power corrections at O(αs) O α s for colorsinglet production. This includes all nonlogarithmic terms and all partonic channels for Drell-Yan and gluon-fusion Higgs production. These terms are important to further improve the numerical performance of the subtractions, and to better understand the structure of power corrections beyond their leading logarithms, in particular their universality. We emphasize the importance of computing the power corrections differential in both the invariant mass, Q, and rapidity, Y, of the color-singlet system, which is necessary to account for the rapidity dependence in the subtractions. This also clarifies apparent disagreements in the literature. Performing a detailed numerical study, we find excellent agreement of our analytic results with a previous numerical extraction.

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