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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The CATESOL Journal

The CATESOL Journal bannerUC Berkeley

Weaving Service-Learning Into the Curriculum

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

This article recounts the 8-year (1997-2005) history of the Service- Learning Program at San Jose City College, with a particular focus on the key involvement of the ESL Program in the dramatic growth of service-learning there. The author, who has coordinated the program from its inception, and who also teaches ESL, examines various aspects of integrating service-learning into the ESL curriculum, reports on student learning experiences at their preferred sites, and analyzes results of a longitudinal report on student evaluations and on learning outcomes. The Service-Learning Program at San Jose City College may be a model for how effective service-learning can be at enhancing the learning of ESL students and at helping them become involved members of their communities.

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