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Open Access Publications from the University of California

ANR Peer Reviewed Publications

There are 643 publications in this collection, published between 1996 and 2024.
4-H, Youth and Family (includes home livestock) (137)

4-H After-School Program: Bloco Drum and Dance, Part 6. Planning a Successful Field Trip.

Part 6 of the curriculum: Planning a Successful Field Trip. With this 11-part curriculum, you can set up an after-school program that teaches teens leadership, fitness, and good nutrition in an exciting music-and-dance environment.

4-H Pets and Small Animals

This project helps you explore the wide variety of pets available, and will help you learn about the type of pets that fit best into your family.

  • •Identify breeds and species and their characteristics
  • •Learn about the selection, care, and needs of pets and basic principles of pet behavior
  • •Care and management in feeding, handling grooming, fitting and showing
  • •Explore health regulations and first aid
  • •Learn and practice animal ownership responsibilities

4-H Archery Project

The 4-H archery project sheet outlines activity ideas for youth at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of skill. Gives suggestions on how to tie the activity to STEM, healthy living, citizenship, and leadership goals. By participating in the archery program in the 4-H Shooting Sports Program you will learn:

  • •The highest standard of safety, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior
  • •Safe and responsible use of archery equipment
  • •Sound decision making, self discipline, and concentration
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    Agricultural Biotechnology (18)

    Plant Genetic Engineering and Intellectual Property Protection

    A basic discussion of patent rights as they apply to genetically engineered plants, presented in the context of conventional plant breeding.

    Methods to Enable Coexistence of Diverse Cotton Production Systems

    Describes practices that can be used to reduce the potential for contamination by outcrossing in cottonseed.

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    Dairy (cows and goats) (9)

    Dairy Nutritionists' Roles in Nutrient Use: Recommendations for Feed Nutrients Records Analyses

    Nutrient-based pollution concerns mean dairies must closely monitor and document how much feed they use. Learn how to show that you are using just enough (and not too much) feed in this publication.

    Use of Feed Inventory Records to Reduce Nutrient Loading at Dairy Operations: Producer Options

    Learn the basics of providing enough feed for your dairy cattle without leaving excess nutrients that can harm the environment.

    Rice Straw for Use in Dairy Heifer Rations

    With feed prices rising, dairies are looking for new feed options such as rice straw. The problem is rice straw can jam equipment and be hard to mix into other ration components. The key is to cut the straw to the right length at the cutter/baler stage.

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    Ecosystem Restoration, Invasive Species (14)

    Bee Alert: Africanized Honey Bee Facts

    Information on how to “bee prepared” for the movement of the Africanized honey bee into California. Includes tips on how to identify Africanized honey bees, bee-proofing your home, and what to do if stung.

    ¡Esté alerta! La abeja africanizada en California

    Edición en español de “Bee Alert” (“Cuidado con las abejas”) (Publicación 8068). Información sobre cómo prepararse para la entrada en California de la abeja de miel africanizada. Incluye consejos sobre cómo identificar estas abejas, cómo proteger su casa de estas abejas y qué hacer si le pican. Spanish edition of “Bee Alert” (Publication 8068). Information on how to “bee prepared” for the movement of the Africanized honey bee into California. Includes tips on how to identify Africanized honey bees, bee-proofing your home, and what to do if stung.

    Living among the Fish: A Guide to Conservation of Fish Habitat in the Developed Landscape

    Increasing urbanization is encroaching on the habitat of California's wild fishes, and fish populations are falling. Learn the basics of fish biology and explore ways to reduce or even reverse civilization's negative effect on fish and streams.

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    Farm (219)

    Soil Management and Soil Quality for Organic Crops

    Sustaining and improving soil quality over the long term are frequently identified by organic farmers as their primary management goals.

    Conservation Tillage and Weed Management

    Conservation tillage is an approach to soil management that balances the short-term need for a profitable crop with the long-term need for sustainably healthy ground. This publication looks at ways to control weeds while practicing conservation tillage.

    Protecting Surface Water from Sediment-Associated Pesticides in Furrow-Irrigated Crops

    When pesticide residues get into stream water and in-stream sediments, they can last for anywhere from a few days to decades or more.

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    Forestry (35)

    Forest Stewardship Series 15: Wildfire and Fuel Management

    Part 15 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series. The Forest Stewardship Series is a 24-part free online publication that provides owners of California forestland with a comprehensive source of information pertinent to the management and enjoyment of their lands. This information will help you formulate and implement strategies for achieving your personal goals as a landowner. The series provides an introduction to the lifelong study of forest stewardship that is part of owning forest property.

    Forest Stewardship Series 20: Laws and Regulations Affecting Forests, Part II: Activities Other Than Timber Harvesting

    Part 20 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series. The Forest Stewardship Series is a 24-part free online publication that provides owners of California forestland with a comprehensive source of information pertinent to the management and enjoyment of their lands. This information will help you formulate and implement strategies for achieving your personal goals as a landowner. The series provides an introduction to the lifelong study of forest stewardship that is part of owning forest property.

    Forest Stewardship Series 3: Forest Ecology

    Part 3 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series. The Forest Stewardship Series is a 24-part free online publication that provides owners of California forestland with a comprehensive source of information pertinent to the management and enjoyment of their lands. This information will help you formulate and implement strategies for achieving your personal goals as a landowner. The series provides an introduction to the lifelong study of forest stewardship that is part of owning forest property.

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    Home Food Preservation and Food Safety (21)

    Nuts: Safe Methods for Consumers to Handle, Store, and Enjoy

    Nuts are delicious and they are good for you. Here are some simple handling and storage tips you can follow to keep them good to eat and prevent rancidity or the growth of bacteria that have the potential to cause illness.

    Garlic: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, & Enjoy

    How to store and preserve this popular food, while avoiding common food-safety problems.

    Tomatoes: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy

    This guide includes advice on selecting tomatoes for the home garden as well as from the market; safety tips for handling fresh tomatoes; and recommended methods for storing, freezing, drying, and canning. Also includes recipes for Tomato-Green Chili Salsa and Tomato-Tomato Paste Salsa.

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    Nutrition and Health (36)

    Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Cholesterol

    Cholesterol isn't simple. Some is “good,” some is “bad”; it's something our bodies need, but only in small amounts. Confused? This publication can help with its clear, specific answers to common questions about cholesterol in your diet and in your body.

    The Lunch Box Series, A: Healthy Lunches for Preschool Children

    Basic nutrition facts (including USDA's MyPyramid for Kids), and how to apply them when preparing lunch for young children. Sample menus included.

    Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Facts about Fat

    Saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, trans — This short publication will help you sort out the one from the other and help you make better food choices.

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    Other (16)

    Water: An English as a Second Language Curriculum for Adults (Teacher's Edition)

    This ESL curriculum focuses on environmental issues that are relevant to many recent immigrants living in arid, urban situations. Use in conjunction with the Student Workbook (Publication 8311).

    Home Survival in Wildfire-Prone Areas: Building Materials and Design Considerations

    It's like the three little pigs showed us: The way you build your house can make the difference between a cozy home and a heap of rubble when disaster strikes. Learn about design methods and building materials that will help your home survive a wildfire.

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    Postharvest (10)

    Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring, Control, and Documentation

    Large volumes of water are commonly used during postharvest handling of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Water disinfection is a critical step in minimizing the potential transmission of pathogens from a water source to produce.

    Key Points of Control and Management of Microbial Food Safety: Information for Producers, Processors, and Handlers of Fresh Market Tomatoes

    Most commercially produced tomatoes are wholesome and disease-free, but that result takes a lot of work. Here are some basic steps to remember.

    Ozone Applications for Postharvest Disinfection of Edible Horticultural Crops

    This publication provides an introductory overview of the properties, applications, known efficacy, and worker exposure and safety consideration of applying ozone in the postharvest environment.

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    Rangelands and Grazing Livestock (50)

    Guidelines for Residual Dry Matter (RDM) Management

    Properly managed RDM can be expected to provide a high degree of protection from soil erosion and nutrient loss. Applications of specific RDM standards based on research and experience have shown the effectiveness of this approach to grazing management.

    Guidelines for Describing Grazing Management & Utilization

    Terms and quantification techniques to help you accurately assess the effects of livestock grazing when you conduct a botanical survey of an area.

    Beef Cattle on California Annual Grasslands: Production Cycle and Economics

    Much of California is annual rangeland, grazed seasonally when forage quality is best. For optimum results, the seasonality of these rangelands must be coordinated with the phases of beef cattle production. This publication walks cattle producers through annual stock flows and calendar of operations and gives tables for estimating costs, return over cash, and gross income under various scenarios. Also included is a discussion of various risk factors.

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    Yard and Garden (78)

    Fruit and Nut Varieties for Low-Elevation Sierra Foothills

    Lower elevations of the Sierra Nevada have climate, soil, and drainage characteristics that make ideal growing conditions for certain fruit and nut tree varieties — and less so for others. Use this guide to choose the best trees for your home orchard!

    Poisonous Plants

    Many hundreds of species of poisonous plants grow in the United States. Some of the most beautiful trees, shrubs, vegetables, and vines are poisonous under certain conditions. They provide shade, colorful flowers, or food, but parts of the plant (sap, leaves, seed, flowers, stems) may also contain toxic compounds. Using this publication, you will learn how to identify plants associated with poisonings and other health problems. Included is a table of poisonous plants commonly found around the home and garden and instructions on making a plant identification file.

    Bees in the Neighborhood: Best Practices for Urban Beekeepers

    The media coverage of the peril of pollinators has led to the general public wanting to help bees in particular. Public awareness about pollinator importance and the growing interest in urban beekeeping has led many local and municipal governments across California to revisit ordinances to acknowledge and potentially facilitate this developing resurgence in beekeeping. Learn beekeeping basics as they apply to urban environments as well as how to keep your bees good neighbors. Good for bees, good for beekeepers, and good for neighbors. Includes information on honeybee identification, flyways, hive management, installing a queen, recordkeeping, human-bee interactions, and an extensive glossary and references.

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