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Open Access Publications from the University of California

DESI and DECaLS (D&D): galaxy–galaxy lensing measurements with 1 per cent survey and its forecast


The shear measurement from the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey (DECaLS) provides an excellent opportunity for galaxy-galaxy lensing study with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) galaxies, given the large (∼9000 deg2) sky overlap. We explore this potential by combining the DESI 1 per cent survey and DECaLS Data Release 8 (DR8). With ∼106 deg2 sky overlap, we achieve significant detection of galaxy-galaxy lensing for Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) and luminous red galaxy (LRG) as lenses. Scaled to the full BGS sample, we expect the statistical errors to improve from to a promising level of at. This brings stronger requirements for future systematics control. To fully realize such potential, we need to control the residual multiplicative shear bias |m| < 0.006 and the bias in the mean redshift |Δz| < 0.008, requiring the introduced bias in the measurement is <0.31σ. We also expect significant detection of galaxy-galaxy lensing with DESI LRG/emission line galaxy (ELG) full samples as lenses, and cosmic magnification of ELG through cross-correlation with low-redshift DECaLS shear. If such systematical error control can be achieved, we find the advantages of DECaLS, comparing with the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) and the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), are at low redshift, large scale, and in measuring the shear ratio (to σR ∼0.04) and cosmic magnification.

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