Akin to the Erdős-Rademacher problem, Linial and Morgenstern made the following conjecture in tournaments: for any , among all -vertex tournaments with many 3-cycles, the number of 4-cycles is asymptotically minimized by a special random blow-up of a transitive tournament. Recently, Chan, Grzesik, Král' and Noel introduced spectrum analysis of adjacency matrices of tournaments in this study, and confirmed this for . In this paper, we investigate the analogous problem of minimizing the number of cycles of a given length. We prove that for integers , there exists some constant such that if , then the number of -cycles is also asymptotically minimized by the same extremal examples. In doing so, we answer a question of Linial and Morgenstern about minimizing the -norm of a probabilistic vector with given -norm for integers . For integers , however the same phenomena do not hold for -cycles, for which we can construct an explicit family of tournaments containing fewer -cycles for any given number of -cycles. We propose two conjectures concerning the minimization problem for general cycles.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C20, 05C35, 05C38
Keywords: Tournaments, cycles, spectrum