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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Iconicity and Structure in the Emergence of Combinatoriality


One design feature of human language is its combinatorialphonology, allowing it to form an unbounded set of mean-ingful utterances from a finite set of building blocks. Re-cent experiments suggest how this feature can evolve culturallywhen continuous signals are repeatedly transmitted betweengenerations. Because the building blocks of a combinatorialsystem lack independent meaning, combinatorial structure ap-pears to be in conflict with iconicity, another property salientin language evolution. To investigate the developmental tra-jectory of iconicity during the evolution of combinatoriality,we conducted an iterated learning experiment where partici-pants learned auditory signals produced using a virtual slidewhistle. We find that iconicity emerges rapidly but is gradu-ally lost over generations as combinatorial structure continuesto increase. This suggests that iconicity biases, whose pres-ence was revealed in a signal guessing experiment, manifest innuanced ways. We discuss implications of these findings fordifferent ideas about how biases for iconicity and combinato-riality interact in language evolution.

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