Measurement of the CP-violating phase <mjx-container class="MathJax CtxtMenu_Attached_0" jax="CHTML" display="true" tabindex="0" ctxtmenu_counter="0" style="font-size: 113.1%; position: relative;"><mjx-math display="true" class="MJX-TEX" aria-hidden="true" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;"><mjx-msub><mjx-mi class="mjx-i"><mjx-c class="mjx-c1D719 TEX-I"></mjx-c></mjx-mi><mjx-script style="vertical-align: -0.15em;"><mjx-mi class="mjx-i" size="s"><mjx-c class="mjx-c1D460 TEX-I"></mjx-c></mjx-mi></mjx-script></mjx-msub></mjx-math><mjx-assistive-mml unselectable="on" display="block"><math xmlns="" display="block"><msub><mi>ϕ</mi><mi>s</mi></msub></math></mjx-assistive-mml></mjx-container> in <mjx-container class="MathJax CtxtMenu_Attached_0" jax="CHTML" display="true" tabindex="0" ctxtmenu_counter="1" style="font-size: 113.1%; position: relative;"><mjx-math display="true" class="MJX-TEX" aria-hidden="true" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;"><mjx-msubsup><mjx-mi class="mjx-i"><mjx-c class="mjx-c1D435 TEX-I"></mjx-c></mjx-mi><mjx-script style="vertical-align: -0.247em; margin-left: 0px;"><mjx-texatom size="s" texclass="ORD"><mjx-mn class="mjx-n"><mjx-c class="mjx-c30"></mjx-c></mjx-mn></mjx-texatom><mjx-spacer style="margin-top: 0.332em;"></mjx-spacer><mjx-texatom size="s" texclass="ORD"><mjx-mi class="mjx-i"><mjx-c class="mjx-c1D460 TEX-I"></mjx-c></mjx-mi></mjx-texatom></mjx-script></mjx-msubsup><mjx-mo class="mjx-n" space="4"><mjx-c class="mjx-c2192"></mjx-c></mjx-mo><mjx-mi class="mjx-i" space="4"><mjx-c class="mjx-c1D43D TEX-I"></mjx-c></mjx-mi><mjx-texatom texclass="ORD"><mjx-mo class="mjx-n"><mjx-c class="mjx-c2F"></mjx-c></mjx-mo></mjx-texatom><mjx-mi class="mjx-i"><mjx-c class="mjx-c1D713 TEX-I"></mjx-c></mjx-mi><mjx-mi class="mjx-i"><mjx-c class="mjx-c1D719 TEX-I"></mjx-c></mjx-mi></mjx-math><mjx-assistive-mml unselectable="on" display="block"><math xmlns="" display="block"><msubsup><mi>B</mi><mrow data-mjx-texclass="ORD"><mi>s</mi></mrow><mrow data-mjx-texclass="ORD"><mn>0</mn></mrow></msubsup><mo stretchy="false">→</mo><mi>J</mi><mrow data-mjx-texclass="ORD"><mo>/</mo></mrow><mi>ψ</mi><mi>ϕ</mi></math></mjx-assistive-mml></mjx-container> decays in ATLAS at 13&nbsp;TeV
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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕs in Bs0J/ψϕ decays in ATLAS at 13 TeV

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AbstractA measurement of the Bs0J/ψϕ B s 0 → J / ψ ϕ decay parameters using 80.5fb1 80.5 fb - 1 of integrated luminosity collected with the ATLAS detector from 13 TeV Te proton–proton collisions at the LHC is presented. The measured parameters include the CP-violating phase ϕs ϕ s , the width difference ΔΓs Δ Γ s between the Bs0 B s 0 meson mass eigenstates and the average decay width Γs Γ s . The values measured for the physical parameters are combined with those from 19.2fb1 19.2 fb - 1 of 7 and 8 TeV Te data, leading to the following: ϕs=0.087±0.036 (stat.)±0.021 (syst.) radΔΓs=0.0657±0.0043 (stat.)±0.0037 (syst.) ps1Γs=0.6703±0.0014 (stat.)±0.0018 (syst.) ps1 ϕ s = - 0.087 ± 0.036 ( stat . ) ± 0.021 ( syst . ) rad Δ Γ s = 0.0657 ± 0.0043 ( stat . ) ± 0.0037 ( syst . ) ps - 1 Γ s = 0.6703 ± 0.0014 ( stat . ) ± 0.0018 ( syst . ) ps - 1 Results for ϕs ϕ s and ΔΓs Δ Γ s are also presented as 68% confidence level contours in the ϕs ϕ s –ΔΓs Δ Γ s plane. Furthermore the transversity amplitudes and corresponding strong phases are measured. ϕs ϕ s and ΔΓs Δ Γ s measurements are in agreement with the Standard Model predictions.

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