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Open Access Publications from the University of California


Publications posted here are typically legacy print or electronic-only publications of value to the Scripps researchers, sometimes by non-Scripps authors. Publication here is intended to make these works of value more readily available in an open access environment. More recent individual works by Scripps' scientists are sometimes published elsewhere on this Repository site.

UC San Diego Library – Scripps Digital Collection

There are 412 publications in this collection, published between 1908 and 2024.
Bibliography (19)

Southern/Northern California Coastal Processes Annotated Bibliography: Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study

The California Coastal Processes Bibliography comprises 2,355 references to scientific literature & technical reports on the California coast: coastal processes, geology and geomorphology, hydrology and hydraulics, and meteorology. Compiled by the Los Angeles & San Francisco Districts of the Army Corps of Engineers, this Bibliography was published as part of the landmark Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS) and corresponds to the following publications:

Southern California coastal processes : annotated bibliography : the coast of California storm and tidal waves study. Los Angeles. : US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, Planning Division, Coastal Resources Branch, 1985. CCSTWS ; 85-4. Coast of California storm and tidal waves study 85-4.

Northern California coastal processes annotated bibliography : Coast of California storm and tidal waves study / prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, Planning/Engineering Division, Water Resources Branch. Los Angeles : US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, Planning Division, Coastal Resources Branch, 1987. CCSTWS 87-5. Coast of California storm and tidal waves study 87-5.

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Scientific Bibliography on Human Powered Submarines, through 1997

This scientific bibliography on human-powered submarines aims to list references containing some level of technical information. The references are listed in reverse chronological order.

Oceanographic Reports: Bibliography

Scripps Institution of Oceanography's Oceanographic Reports were published as part of the "SIO Reference" series and the “SIO Contributions”.  The purpose of this brief bibliography is to aid in locating the SIO Reference series volume and issue numbers, and the Contribution number, where the Oceanographic Report is available.

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Biographies, Autobiographies, & Memoirs (26)
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Challenger Reports (16)

Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Zoology - Vol. 4

Zoology Volume 4.

Part XI. Report on the Anatomy of the Petrels (Tubarines) ...

By W. A. Forbes

Part XII. Report on the Deep-Sea Medusae ...

By Ernst Haeckel

Part XIII. Report on the Holothurioidea ... Part I [Elasipoda].

By Hjalmar Theel

Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Deep-sea deposits

Deep Sea Deposits

Report on the Deep-Sea Deposits Based on the Specimens Collected During the Voyage.

by John Murray and A. F. Renard

Appendix I. Explanation of Charts and Diagrams

Appendix II. Report on an Analytical Examination of Manganese Nodules, with Special Reference to the Presence or Absence of the Rarer Elements.

by John Gibson

Appendix III. Chemical Analyses

Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Zoology - Vol. 5

Zoology Volume 5.

Part XIV. Report on the Ophiuroidea ...

By Theodore Lyman

Part XVI. Some Points in the Anatomy of the Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus), Cuscus (Phalangsta maculata), and Phascogale (Phascogale calura) ... ; with an account of the Comparative Anatomy of the Intrinsic Muscles and Nerves of the Mammalian Pes.

By D. J. Cunningham

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Fish Bulletin (184)

Fish Bulletin No. 8. Racial and seasonal variation in the Pacific herring, California sardine and California anchovy

This study of the variation in certain commercially important clupeoid fishes of western North America is one of a series by which it is designed to determine the relation which the varying characters of fishes bear toward the physical features of their environment. Although other characters and other environmental factors are receiving attention in these investigations, chief stress is now being laid on the correlation between the average number of vertebrae and the temperature of the water. The average surface temperature of the coast waters of San Francisco Bay (Golden Gate), Monterey Bay (Pacific Grove) and San Diego (off Coronado Beach) is indicated for the whole year by the three curves on Plate I. The marked difference in temperature between the ocean water of southern California and central California is illustrated by the curves for the San Diego region and for Monterey Bay, which is really a very open gulf. The usual maximum temperature for Monterey is lower than the ordinary minimum off San Diego. These is not an even gradation of temperature between these two localities, Point Conception marking the boundary between the cold waters of the central coast and the warmer waters of southern California. In each region, moreover, there is much local variation in temperature conditions, due not only to differences in protection and depth, but also, probably, to the differential upwelling of deep, cold water (McEwen, 1912, 1916). The curve for San Diego is taken from McEwen's 1916 paper; that for Monterey is smoothed from unpublished data supplied by Director Walter K. Fisher of the Hopkins Marine Station at Pacific Grove. The temperature curve at the entrance to San Francisco Bay, constructed by slightly smoothing Davidson's (1886) monthly averages, is intermediate between the San Diego and the Monterey Bay curves. The higher temperatures at San Francisco as compared with the Monterey records are due to the greater warming of the waters in the shallows of San Francisco harbor. As the fishes here treated are of great importance from the standpoint of the commercial fisheries, this paper is published in the present form largely as a contribution to the fishery-biology of these species. An attempt to determine definitely the racial status of the various populations of each form would, however, be beyond the scope of the present paper. Our data, however, are brought to bear on such problems. This is done to suggest conclusions, and to make our data available to the fishery investigators. We have applied to our data on the herring and the anchovy a method of analysis which we have found useful in studying the seasonal variation in the number of segments in freshwater fishes (Hubbs, 1922, 1924). By this method the correlation between individual variations and environmental factors is determined. Measure is obtained, also, of the degree to which the average number of segments fluctuates on a purely individual, as contrasted with a racial basis. The results so secured are of value in interpreting the significance of observed differences in the average number of segments for samples from different localities.

Fish Bulletin No. 65. Analysis of Populations of the Pacific Sardine on the Basis of Vertebral Counts

These vertebral counts indicate that sardines from British Columbia to Pt. San Eugenio in central Lower California comprise a mixture of populations, the young of which may have been reared on nursery grounds in any of these localities. For most seasons, presumably, the nursery grounds off California and northern Lower California make the greatest contributions to the population. Sardines living off southern Lower California and in the Gulf of California probably comprise a distinct group which does not mix with the northern fish; or if a mixture occurs, the proportion of southern fish to the total northern population is small. The interchange between nursery grounds begins early, perhaps before the sardines are a year old. The number of vertebrae varies between year-classes, and certain year-classes are characterized by high or low averages in all localities. The average number of vertebrae is approximately 51.7 for all sardines north of southern Lower California and about 51.2 for sardines from southern Lower California.

Fish Bulletin No. 91. Common Ocean Fishes of the California Coast

This bulletin is designed as a guide to those marine fishes of California which are likely to be caught by commercial and sport fishermen. While the species included represent only a fraction of the total recorded from the State, those remaining are mostly either deep-sea forms or small fishes of inshore waters which rarely, if ever, enter the fisherman's catch. The guiding precept of likelihood of capture by fishermen results in the inclusion of some species which are actually rather rare in California and the exclusion of some common varieties.

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Fish Bulletin Statistics (41)
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IMR Reference (2)

Physical Oceanography Of The Region Near Point Arguello

Various investigators have described the California Current system,. Since then various small-scale studies have been made over the area, but the Point Arguello area had not received particular attention until work in January 1964. The Point Arguello area is an especially interesting part of the California Current because it is characterized by a remarkable and systematic seasonal reversal in flow.

Fish life in the kelp beds and the effects of kelp harvesting

This final report is the result of research during the five and one-half year period from September 1948 to March 1954. Throughout the investigation the apparent decline of sport fish was causing sport fishermen great concern. Among other factors, kelp harvesting was blamed for the poor catch of the sportsman. More than a year after the beginning of this investigation, the Kelco Company approached the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, with the request that the problems of kelp cutting in relation to the fish supply be attacked by the University under a fellowship grant, by unprejudiced research. The Company wanted to determine whether the kelp operations were adversely affect­ing fishing, and if so, how harvesting methods might be altered to prevent this.

The first phase of the program was concerned with observation and identification. Thousands of hours were spent above and below the surface observing the organisms in their own environment. Extensive use was made of scuba diving equipment for observations, collection, and placing of equipment. Underwater photography was developed to a point where many observations could be recorded.

The second phase of the program was to appraise the effects of kelp harvesting on fish life. Because of the lack of pertinent published data on the ecology of the inshore waters, it was necessary to investigate not only the beds of the main commercial kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera), but also many other regions, in order to obtain comparative data. Such areas included bays, rocky areas below the levels where kelp grows, rocky areas with no kelp, the surf zones, sandy areas, and regions outside the West Coast range of Macrocystis. Kelp beds were studied as far north as Monterey and as far south as the San Benito Islands, Baja California. Diving observations in the kelp were made at Monterey, Morro Bay, Goleta, Santa Barbara, Point Dume, Palos Verdes, Newport, Laguna, Dana Point, San Clemente, Del Mar, Solana Beach, La Jolla, Point Loma, Ensenada, Punta San Carlos, Punta Blanca, Punta Santa Rosalia, and numerous other points along the mainland; also at San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, Santa Catalina, Coronado, San Martin, and San Benito Islands. Intensive studies of the problem were carried out in Orange and San Diego Counties, with special concentra­tion on the nearby La Jolla kelp beds.

One portion of the La Jolla kelp beds was left uncut as a control. Little difference has been noted in the fish life within the bed as contrasted with harvested beds. The kelp itself became more sparse, probably because of reduced light penetration through the heavy canopy that developed tem­porarily. In the 1952-53 winter season much of the kelp was de­stroyed by storms. These studies yielded a vast amount of information bearing not only on the kelp problem but also on the life ways of the fishes.

As a result of these long and thorough studies, it is concluded that kelp harvesting, as cutrrently practiced, has no seriously detrimental effects on fishing. The various claims as to the ways in which kelp harvesting was supposed to destroy fish life and to decrease the fish catch were completely investi­gated and found to be in error. Spawning and nursery grounds of fish are not being destroyed. Sufficient cover and food are always available during and after harvesting. The kelp beds are not destroyed by harvesting methods. Harvesters do not frighten sportfish from an area.

For several decades California has experienced a tremendous increase in population. Cities have grown where deserts and foothills were the homes of deer, rabbits, ground squirrels, ground owls, doves,and quail. In most places these animals have largely disappeared, and with them the intertidal mollusks — Pismo clams, butter clams, abalone, and many other species. The shore fishes such as corbina and spotfin croaker are less common in the individual fisherman's catch. Over kelp beds where a man might have fished alone a decade or two ago, we may see 50 sport boats with a total of 1000 anglers. Thus, even though the annual catch may be the same as or higher than 10 or 20 years ago, the catch per fisherman is much lower.

The kelp industries have arisen indirectly from our social-economic needs for new raw materials to fill new markets. They have become established in our economy and are essential for the production of certain new products. As is typical of modern, young industries, they have conducted research to determine the maximum sustained yield. The industry naturally has no desire to destroy kelp.

The sportfishing industry is large and provides recreation, necessary for our nation's health, to thousands of persons. With the addition of thou­sands of newcomers to sportfishing and the reduction of catch per unit of effort, it is not difficult to understand the fishermen's concern over factors supposedly destroying their sport. It is necessary, however, to determine the real reason for the apparent decline of fish before any constructive action can be taken. It may be a problem of overfishing or of natural population fluctuations, but the blame cannot be laid to the kelp harvesting.

Naga Report (7)

Physical Oceanography of the Southeast Asian waters

This book is the outcome of my analysis of all available knowledge of the Southeast Asian Waters. It is hoped that workers in the region, whether in oceanography or other branches of science may find it a source of information and a stimulus to undertake further research in these waters. Some chapters in this book are summaries and condensations of already known facts, but others offer new ideas and interpretations, particularly those chapters on monsoon circulations and their dynamics, on deep circulation and its relation to surface circulation, on the energy exchange between sea and atmosphere, and on the quantitative description of the exchange of water in the deep sea basins.

The physical oceanography of the Gulf of Thailand, Naga Expedition; Bathythermograph (BT) temperature observations in the Timor sea, Naga Expedition, Cruise S11

The Research Vessel Stranger of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, was engaged in the Naga Expedition in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea during the period of October, 1959, to December, 1960. The expedition was jointly sponsored by the Governments of South Viet Nam, Thailand and the United States of America. It had a two-fold purpose; to collect oceanographic, biological and fisheries data and material and to train scientists and technicians from Thailand and South Viet Nam in oceanography and marine biology. This report is a description of the oceanographic environment in the Gulf of Thailand derived from oceanographic and meteorological data collected for the most part on six cruises in the Gulf between October, 1959, and December, 1960. The cruise plans for the Gulf of Thailand were designed to investigate systematically the distribution and variability of the physical properties of the Gulf waters. The station plan consisted of stations located 30 to 40 miles apart on five parallel lines running perpendicular to the east and west coasts of the Gulf. The lines were 60 to 90 miles apart. Figure 1 is a composite plan for the five Gulf cruises which made complete hydrographic measurements. The stations were numbered chronologically on each cruise. Thus, stations at approximately the same location have different numbers on each of the cruises. Within the limits of navigation the primary stations on each line were at the same location on each cruise. The following physical oceanographic data were collected at each station; reversing thermometer temperatures, salinity and oxygen determinations at standard levels—0, 10, 20, 30 and 50 m—as depth allowed and bathythermograph (BT) temperature observations. The latter were also taken midway between regular stations and at intervals parallel to shore between station lines. Meteorological observations, including wind, air temperature and sea condition, were taken at the time of each BT. Station data and a description of the physical and chemical methods may be found in Faughn, NAGA report, volume 1. The R. V. Stranger of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography carried out an extensive geophysical survey of the Timor Sea between March 29 and April 24,1961, (van Andel and Veevers, 1967) following the completion of the major oceanographic observational programs in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea. During the survey, closely spaced bathythermograph (BT) temperature and wind velocity observations were made. Observed wind velocities, vertical temperature sections along the cruise tracks and horizontal distributions of temperature at standard depth levels based on BT data are the subject of this report. These observations provide a detailed description of the temperature structure of the Timor Sea and complement the more general one given by Wytrki (1961).

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UC Division of War Research (UCDWR) (5)

UC Division of War Research: Bibliography of Publications

This "Bibliography of Publications" includes general background information on UCDWR, followed by the Completion Report Covering Operations of the University of California Division of War Research at the U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory.  Under Contract Nobs-2074 from 26 April 1941 to 30 June 1946, n.d. 

Underwater noise caused by snapping shrimp

Crangon (Alpheus) and Synalpheus are the two principal genera of noise-producing shrimp. These animals (not to be confused with commercial shrimp, which are noiseless) are about 3/4 inch to 1-1/2 inches long. They have one enlarged claw which produces a vigorous snap when closed. Over a large colony there is a continuous succession of snaps which causes an intense crackling noise resembling the burning of dry twigs. With increasing distance from the shrimp bed, the crackle merges into a sizzle or a hiss.

The Discrimination Of Transducers Against Reverberations

The directivity index which is currently used for characterizing the directional properties of transducers, refers primarily to their ability to radiate sound power. When transducers are used in echo ranging, the directivity index is, theoretically at least, of minor interest. Of greater interest is the ability of the transducer to discriminate between the echo from a target at which it is pointed, and the reverberation returned to it from this and other directions. This discrimination is measured by other quantities, called reverberation indices. One of these concerns volume, the other surface or bottom reverberation. The purpose of the present work was to study the relations between the three indices.

Conclusions drawn from a study of typical projector patterns are as follows:

1. The volume reverberation index and the surface reverberation index of a projector are linearly related to the directivity index, provided that the directivity pattern is reasonably similar to that of a circular piston in an infinite baffle. This condition is found in the echo-ranging projectors studied when they are operated at 24 kc without domes. However, the directivity index does not provide a reliable measure of the reverberation indices when the projector pattern has abnormally strong side lobes.

2. Neither projector housing studied has appreciable effect on reverberation indices.

3. The echo: reverberation ratio depends almost entirely on the shape of the main lobe of the composite directivity pattern between zero and -6 db. As a result, the reverberation indices of a transceiver can be determined by measuring the width of its directivity pattern at -6 db. Half of this angle will be termed the half-width of the pattern.

4. Since the reverberation indices can be so readily calculated from the half-width, it is recommended that this quantity be specified in describing a transducer. The directivity index usually, but not always, can be calculated from the half-width to within 3 db.

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