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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Original Research

These articles provide new knowledge based on original research. Meta-analyses are also acceptable in this category. Studies should be hypothesis-driven.


Original research involves the following sections: AbstractIntroductionMaterials and MethodsResults, and Discussion. An Appendix is appropriate if additional material beyond what is allowable will be included.

  • The Abstract is maximally 300 words and must be structured. Subsections: Background (why was the study done/why is it relevant?) PurposeMethodsResults, and Conclusions sections
  • In the Methods section:
  • The Discussion section must include commentary on the limitations of the research.

Summary Box

On a separate page entitled Summary Box, provide the following:

  • A list of all abbreviations used in the manuscript
  • Key Points: Up to three main results or conclusions, including summary data
  • Summary Statement: 1-2 sentences that summarize the important findings of the manuscript.

Number of Authors

Maximally 7

Word Count

Total 3000 words (exclusive of Abstract)

Reference Limit

Maximum 35

Figure & Table Limit

Maximum 8 (Include tables, images, charts, or graphs)