Technical Briefs
Technical developments provide a brief description and results of new imaging techniques, procedures, contrast agents, or equipment. These are typically exploratory feasibility studies. These articles should have appropriate statistical analyses. The Introduction and Discussion are more limited than in Original Research articles. The article should be unpublished.
- Abstract is structured, maximally 300 words, and includes: Background (why was the study done/why is it relevant?), Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion sections;
- Include a Methods section and explicitly state that the study received IRB approval or exemption and should describe the statistical methods.
- Sub-headings are encouraged (Study Participants, Image Acquisition, Statistical Methods, etc.)
- Reference the clinical trial number if one exists. Possible registries include or WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP).
- The Discussion section must include commentary on the limitations of the research.
Summary Box
Include a Summary Box, which provides one to three sentences that summarize the important findings of the manuscript.
Number of Authors
Maximally 5
Word Count
Total 2000 words (exclusive of Abstract)
Reference Limit
Maximum 25
Figure & Table Limit
Maximum 5 (Include tables, images, charts, or graphs)