Case Reports or Case Series with Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation
Case reports or case series with radiologic-pathologic correlation must be presented with relevant images of surgical pathology or histologic examination.
The case report or case series with radiologic-pathologic correlation should be structured as described in the Case Reports or Case Series sections above.
For four or more cases, explicitly state that the study received IRB approval.
Summary Box
On a separate page, provide the following:
- Key Points: Up to three main results or conclusions that advance medical knowledge.
- Summary Statement: 1-2 sentences that summarize the important findings of the manuscript.
Number of Authors
Maximally 5
Word Count
Total 1500 words (exclusive of Abstract)
Reference Limit
Maximum 10
Figure & Table Limit
Maximum 4 (case report with radiologic-pathologic correlation) or 5 (case series with radiologic-pathologic correlation) (Include images, charts, graphs, and tables)