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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Residual resistance ratio measurement system for Nb3Sn wires extracted from Rutherford cables


Residual resistance ratio (RRR) of superconducting strands is an important parameter for magnet electrical stability. RRR serves as a measure of the low-temperature electrical conductivity of the copper within a conductor that has a copper stabilization matrix. For Nb3Sn, due to the need of a reaction heat treatment, the technical requirements for high quality measurements of strands extracted from Rutherford cables are particularly demanding. Quality of wire, cabling deformation, heat treatment temperature, heat treatment atmosphere, sample handling, and measurement methods can all affect the RRR. Therefore, as an integral part of the electrical quality control (QC) of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables manufactured at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it was prudent that we established a RRR measurement system that can isolate the assessment of cable-fabrication-related impacts from sample preparation and measurement factors. Here we describe a bespoke cryocooler-based measurement system, capable of measuring RRR of over 80 samples in a single cooldown. The samples are mounted on custom-designed printed circuit boards that accommodate the shape of strands extracted from a Rutherford cable without added deformation, which we will show is critical in ensuring that the measurements accurately represent the RRR values of the conductor within the cable. Using this sample mounting solution, we routinely measure the overall RRR of the strand as well as individual intra-strand sections corresponding to both cable edges and cable broad faces with high reproducibility. Such measurements provide valuable information on the variation of RRR along the length of the strands as well as across strand productions and cable runs over time.

Cover page of Voltage-Current Behavior of a Superconducting STAR Wire in a 6-Around-1 Cable Configuration

Voltage-Current Behavior of a Superconducting STAR Wire in a 6-Around-1 Cable Configuration


A 6-around-1 transposed cable using superconducting STAR wires can be useful for future circular collider applications. We made three cable samples using single STAR wires with a diameter of 1.3 mm. The first two samples, made with a cabling machine, used STAR wires consisting of a 0.7 mm diameter Nb-Ti core. The third cable sample was manually wound and used a STAR wire made with a 0.81 mm diameter Cu core. The first sample showed severe degradation after the cable was bent to a 75 mm radius. The current-carrying capability of the innermost and outermost rebco tapes in the STAR wire degraded by 42% to 98% and the middle rebco tapes remained intact. This was also the case for the second and straight cable sample. After fabrication of the third cable sample, we observed only about 5% reduction in the current along the wire, measured at different locations inside the terminations. The results suggest that the differences in architecture or fabrication of the STAR wires could have caused differences in critical current retention after cabling.

Cover page of High-Field Magnets for Future Hadron Colliders

High-Field Magnets for Future Hadron Colliders


Recent strategy updates by the international particle physics community have confirmed strong interest in a next-generation energy frontier collider after completion of the High-Luminosity LHC program and construction of a e + e − Higgs factory. Both hadron and muon colliders provide a path toward the highest energies, and both require significant and sustained development to achieve technical readiness and optimize the design. For hadron colliders, the energy reach is determined by machine circumference and the strength of the guiding magnetic field. To achieve a collision energy of 100 TeV while limiting the circumference to 100 km, a dipole field of 16 T is required and is within the reach of niobium–tin magnets operating at 1.9 K. Magnets based on high-temperature superconductors may enable a range of alternatives, including a more compact footprint, a reduction of the cooling power, or a further increase of the collision energy to 150 TeV. The feasibility and cost of the magnet system will determine the possible options and optimal configurations. In this article, I review the historical milestones and recent progress in superconducting materials, design concepts, magnet fabrication, and test results and emphasize current developments that have the potential to address the most significant challenges and shape future directions.

Cover page of Quench protection for high-temperature superconductor cables using active control of current distribution

Quench protection for high-temperature superconductor cables using active control of current distribution


Superconducting magnets of future fusion reactors are expected to rely on composite high-temperature superconductor (HTS) cable conductors. In presently used HTS cables, current sharing between components is limited due to poorly defined contact resistances between superconducting tapes or by design. The interplay between contact and termination resistances is the defining factor for power dissipation in these cables and ultimately defines their safe operational margins. However, the current distribution between components along the composite conductor and inside its terminations is a priori unknown, and presently, no means are available to actively tune current flow distribution in real-time to improve margins of quench protection. Also, the lack of ability to electrically probe individual components makes it impossible to identify conductor damage locations within the cable. In this work, we address both problems by introducing active current control of current distribution between components using cryogenically operated metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). We demonstrate through simulation and experiments how real-time current controls can help to drastically reduce heat dissipation in a developing hot spot in a two-conductor model system and help identify critical current degradation of individual cable components. Prospects of other potential uses of MOSFET devices for improved voltage detection, AC loss-driven active quench protection, and remnant magnetization reduction in HTS magnets are also discussed.

Cover page of Technological developments and accelerator improvements for the FRIB beam power ramp-up

Technological developments and accelerator improvements for the FRIB beam power ramp-up


The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) began operation with 1 kW beam power for scientific users in May 2022 upon completion of 8 years of project construction. The ramp-up to the ultimate beam power of 400 kW, planned over a 6-year period, will enable the facility to reach its full potential for scientific discovery in isotope science and applications. In December 2023, a record-high beam power of 10.4 kW uranium was delivered to the target. Technological developments and accelerator improvements are being made over the entire facility and are key to completion of the power ramp-up. Major technological developments entail the phased deployment of high-power beam-intercepting systems, including the charge strippers, the charge selection systems, the production target, and the beam dump, along with support systems, including non-conventional utilities (NCU) and remote handling facilities. Major accelerator improvements include renovations to aging legacy systems associated with experimental beam lines and system automation for improved operational efficiency and better machine availability. Experience must be gained to safely handle the increased radiological impacts associated with high beam power; extensive machine studies and advanced beam tuning procedures are needed to minimize uncontrolled beam losses for the desired operating conditions. This paper discusses the technological developments and accelerator improvements with emphasis on major R&D efforts.

Cover page of A 6-around-1 cable using high-temperature superconducting STAR ® wires for magnet applications

A 6-around-1 cable using high-temperature superconducting STAR ® wires for magnet applications


To generate a dipole field above 20 T, we need high-temperature superconductors, including REBa2Cu3O 7 − x (RE = rare earth, rebco) coated conductors. However, the optimal architecture of a high-current flexible rebco cable is not yet settled for high-field magnet applications. Here we report a 6-around-1 cable concept based on the high-temperature superconducting star ® wires. We made two cable samples. One had a single star ® wire and the other had six star ® wires. The cable with six star ® wires was 1.5 m long. It had a diameter of 5.7 mm and a pitch length of 52 mm. The critical current of the cable before bending was 1448 A at 77 K, retaining at least 77% of the total critical current from individual star ® wires. The cable had a low n value around 4.5. At a bend radius of 30 mm, the critical current and n value remained the same as before bending. The total resistance of electrical terminations was 61 nΩ at 77 K. The flexible and transposed 6-around-1 star ® cable can provide another route toward practical rebco conductors for high-field accelerator and fusion magnet applications.

Cover page of Producing circular field harmonics inside elliptic magnet apertures with superconducting canted-cosine-theta coils

Producing circular field harmonics inside elliptic magnet apertures with superconducting canted-cosine-theta coils


Superconducting magnets with noncircular aperture are desired for accelerators and many other high-field applications. This paper presents new methods for the analytic design of elliptic bore superconducting accelerator magnets. Part 1 of this work shares the derivation of current to field relations between a sheet current density on an elliptic cylinder and the magnetic field harmonics inside the aperture. This result is explored in the general context of elliptic bore magnet design with relevant scaling laws compared between elliptic and circular bore magnets. In part 2, this approach is applied to the specific geometry of canted-cosine-theta (CCT) accelerator magnets, enabling analytic winding design for single or mixed circular harmonics within elliptic aperture CCT magnets.

Cover page of A new quench detection method for HTS magnets: stray-capacitance change monitoring

A new quench detection method for HTS magnets: stray-capacitance change monitoring


Abstract Fast quench detection is a key requirement for the successful implementation of superconducting magnet technology. In high temperature superconductor (HTS) magnets, this issue is especially challenging due to the low quench propagation velocity, and presently represents one of the main factors limiting their application. A new detection technique based on stray-capacitance monitoring is proposed. The capacitance between electrically-insulated magnet elements, such as magnet structure and end parts, is utilized as an indication of local heat deposition in the conductor. In fact, the relative permittivity of helium drops when it changes from the liquid to the gaseous phase. Thus, when heating occurs, part of the helium impregnating the insulation layers boils off, and the monitored stray-capacitance decreases. The proposed technique is successfully demonstrated on three small-scale Bi-2212 magnets manufactured at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Results from the detection of thermal runaways and spot-heater induced quenches are reported and discussed. Advantages and limitations of the stray-capacitance method with respect to conventional quench detection methods are assessed. Export citation and abstract BibTeX RIS CC BY As the Version of Record of this article is going to be/has been published on a gold open access basis under a CC BY 3.0 licence, this Accepted Manuscript is available for reuse under a CC BY 3.0 licence immediately. Although reasonable endeavours have been taken to obtain all necessary permissions from third parties to include their copyrighted content within this article, their full citation and copyright line may not be present in this Accepted Manuscript version. Before using any content from this article, please refer to the Version of Record on IOPscience once published for full citation and copyright details, as permission may be required. All third party content is fully copyright protected, and is not published on a gold open access basis under a CC BY licence, unless that is specifically stated in the figure caption in the Version of Record.

Cover page of A Possible Alternative Concept of HTS Accelerator Magnets

A Possible Alternative Concept of HTS Accelerator Magnets


In this paper, we consider the advantages of an alternative design concept for HTS accelerator magnets operating at 20 K or above. The idea is primarily built on using REBCO tape as the main conductor, but may be applicable to other HTS. The key concepts are to align REBCO tapes in the most favourable field orientation and to make joints for every turn such that the tapes will not have to be wound over the saddle ends. We argue that such a concept involving resistive joints is viable at 20 K or above due to an increased cryogenic efficiency, and has multiple advantages that would more than compensate for the resistive heating cost penalty. First, the favourable tape orientation can allow a much higher current carrying capability. Second, the short unit length of tapes equal to the length of the magnet will be much more economical and can be specified at a higher performance than a long continuous piece equal to the number of turns multiplied by the length of the magnet. Third, any defective conductor can be replaced easily and at a much lower cost than an entire coil. Fourth, with each tape separately sourced and connected, efficient grading with stress management can be achieved. Fifth, the straight section of the magnet would be modular and easily scalable for production in industry. Correspondingly, the most challenging part is the end cap design and joint technology, whose geometrical constraints are well within national laboratories' capabilities, making the R&D and prototyping phases much more affordable, with a turnover time much quicker than testing full size magnets. Additional attractive potentials include conductor development (e.g., double-sided extra thick REBCO), novel diagnostics (e.g., individual tape quench detection and protection), synergy with fusion devices research (e.g., demountable joints), and other possibilities.

Cover page of Updimensioning strategy derived from synthetic equiaxed grain structures for approximating 3D grain size distributions from 2D visualizations with 1D parameters

Updimensioning strategy derived from synthetic equiaxed grain structures for approximating 3D grain size distributions from 2D visualizations with 1D parameters


We generated synthetic equiaxed grain structures using computer graphics software to explore the relationship between various grain size determination methods and true three-dimensional (3D) grain diameters. Mirroring grain measurement techniques, the synthetic 3D grain structures are imaged as 2D micrographs which are measured to yield 1D grain size parameters. Synthetic grain structures provide data at a mass scale and permit exploration of both polished and fractured surface micrographs, revealing one-to-one correspondence between exposed 2D grain cross-sections and individual 3D grains. Analysis of this correspondence yielded a procedure to approximate 3D equiaxed grain size and volume distributions based on the mode of the 2D fractograph grain size distribution. The 3D approximation procedure is shown to be less susceptible to different imaging conditions that affect small, undiscernible grains compared to the standard planimetric and linear intercept methods, which by design also tend to underestimate the 3D grain diameter. The procedure requires larger sample sizes to lower variance and a deeper analysis which could become more practical with machine learning (ML) models for grain boundary segmentation, which synthetic grain structures can help train. This work lays the foundation for analyzing other grain distributions such as columnar and composite grains in similar depth.