About Journal of Diversity and Equity in Educational Development
The Journal of Diversity and Equity in Educational Development (JDEED) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal of the POD Network. The purpose of the journal is to develop and sustain scholarly space for minoritized* voices in higher education and to center dynamic conversations about DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) practices, theories, and possibilities in educational development in a North American higher education context.
JDEED publishes two issues per year and also makes in-press articles available online, as they are available, prior to the publication of an issue.
An open-access journal, JDEED does not charge publication fees of any kind, including Article Processing Charges (APCs), to contributors.
The Journal of Diversity and Equity in Educational Development (JDEED) was founded to create more intentional publication avenues for minoritized voices, narratives, practices, and knowledges. We aim to diversify educational development scholarship in terms of the types of articles we publish, the authors we feature, and the composition of our editorial team and board. Therefore, the larger goal of JDEED is to disseminate high-quality texts that help to expand and redefine what counts as scholarship within our field and who counts as a scholar. We believe there is a need for a publication like JDEED in our field, a publication in which the narratives, voices, practices, and knowledges of minoritized peoples are centered.
* We use the term ‘minoritized,’ which is different from ‘minority,’ to signal the structural, historical, and ideological processes and practices that transform groups, such as BIPOC individuals, women-identified people, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA+ individuals into coherent social/political groups and that systemically restrict freedom for individuals based on these socially constructed identities. This functions regardless of the demographic representation (i.e. demographic minority or majority) of these groups, even across various contexts. Please see these two resources for more information.