Get Involved
As described on the journal's About page, one of JDEED's goals is to "disseminate high-quality texts that help to expand and redefine what counts as scholarship within our field and who counts as a scholar." To that end, we particularly invite individuals from historically minoritized and/or marginalized groups to participate in the journal as writers, editors, and/or reviewers.
Individuals from historically minoritized groups include, but are not limited to: individuals who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color, as defined within the U.S. context); LGBTQIA+ individuals; and individuals with disabilities. We also particularly welcome individuals working at institutions traditionally underrepresented in POD including, but not limited to: Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Native American Tribal Colleges, Hispanic-Serving Institutions or Hispanic Area Colleges and Institutions, Minority-Serving Institutions (or those aspiring to become MSIs), and community colleges.
Recognizing that the barriers to entering academic publishing are often high (in terms of time, mentorship, and other resources), we also welcome individuals who are new to this arena. We have therefore sought to create opportunities for individuals with various experience levels to get involved with JDEED as writers, reviewers, and/or editors. We aim to take a developmental, rather than transactional, approach to engaging with our writers, reviewers, and editorial team, focusing on learning, growth, and collaboration. Therefore, whatever your level of experience with scholarly publishing, we hope you will find a role at JDEED in which you are able to leverage your talents and contribute to the journal.
We invite you to participate in the journal, and there are several ways to become involved:
- If you are interested in submitting a manuscript: We encourage you to review our Aims and Scope, as well as information about the types of manuscripts we accept and our submission guidelines. If you have questions, are unsure whether your work aligns with our focus, or if you would like to propose a manuscript type that falls outside of our current categories, please contact us.
If you are interested in serving on the journal's editorial team, please see our open positions.
If you are interested in being a JDEED reviewer (even if you do not have previous review experience or if you have not reviewed a particular manuscript type before), we encourage you to sign up. We will add resources for reviewers in the coming months.
If you have questions about a particular section or articles in that section, please contact the relevant Associate Editor:
Research Articles: Dr. Donohon Abdugafurova,
Conversations: Dr. Riley Caldwell-O'Keefe,
Reflections on Practice: Dr. Riley Caldwell-O'Keefe,
From Draft to Final: [TBD], Associate Editor
If you are interested in attending our biweekly writing circles, a dedicated writing time in which educational developers may gather to work on their own writing projects, please join us. See the full schedule and RSVP here.
If you have a general question, please attend our monthly drop-in hours (see schedule here) via this link (no RSVP required) or email us.
We also encourage you to sign up for the JDEED mailing list to stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities.