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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Editorial Board

The Journal of Diversity & Equity in Educational Development (JDEED) Editorial Board comprises five-seven scholar-practitioners whose long-established work, research, and or professional interests align with the aims and scope of the journal, at least one (and up to three) member of the POD Core Committee, one ex officio representative from the POD DEI Committee, and up to three ex officio representatives from the current editorial team. The Board is the primary governing body of the journal. It advises the editors; works closely with the editorial team to chart the broad direction of the journal; approves major editorial changes, policy, and personnel changes, and notifies POD of those changes. The Board also adjudicates grievances according to established guidelines and processes. The board meets at least twice per quarter to discuss journal matters. Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary to address time-sensitive issues.

Current Editorial Board

Dr. Bryan Dewsbury

Dr. Michele DiPietro 

Dr. Mays Imad

Dr. Ryan Rideau

Dr. Christine Stanley

Dr. Franklin Tuitt